
Measures Implemented Covid-19

Azorean Active Blueberry is aware of the pandemic state our world is living right now.

We follow the procedures, rules and guidelines from ICA - International Canyoning Academy (Covid-19 Canyoning Prevention - Good Practice Guide), and from the World Health Organization - WHO. 

At the moment we’re working on the "Clean & Safe Açores" - stamp of approval to distinguish tourism activities which are compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and other possible infections. 

Here you can find some extra measures that we are taking on our daily routine: 

-       Reinforce the cleaning and disinfecting procedure of our equipment.

-       Provision of alcohol-based hand disinfectant dispensers.

-       Hands disinfection.

-       Have a short number of customers per tour.

-       Keep a social distancing between everyone.

-       Disinfection of our transport vehicles on every trip, using always masks during transfers while not outdoor.

Soon more updates!